What is the timeline for getting fresh IFCB data from the Pioneer MAB Array uploaded to OOI’s data stream?

The timelines associated with OOI IFCB data becoming available to the public depend on the type of IFCB data being specified. At this time, OOI collects both moored and shipboard (including data from both underway and discrete) IFCB data at the Pioneer MAB array. There are two data access locations for OOI IFCB data, the Raw Data Archive and the OOI IFCB Dashboard.

OOI’s moored IFCB is located at the Central Surface Mooring (CP10CNSM). The metadata (.hdr files) and fluorescence/scattering data (.adc files) for this IFCB are provided via satellite telemetry to OOI’s Raw Data Archive in near-real-time. The full data set, including the images (.roi files) will be added to the Raw Data Archive after instrument recovery. Moored IFCB recovery will take place approximately every six months. After recovery, images will be available in the Raw Data Archive within 1-2 months. All moored IFCB data will also be available in the OOI IFCB Dashboard.

The shipboard IFCB collects underway and discrete samples during mooring overturning cruises at Pioneer MAB, and these data are made available after the conclusion of these cruises through both the Raw Data Archive and OOI’s IFCB Dashboard.

Example links to OOI IFCB data:

OOI Raw Data Repository:

OOI IFCB Dashboard:

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