OOI Data Access - AZFP



I am trying to download some AZFP data for 7 different data sets, and I’m
trying to access the raw data files, however, I am unable to find them in
the raw data archive.

As an example, I am starting from this page:


To try and get to the raw data area, I click the ‘+’ button, then select the
‘Download’ button for recovered-host data. In the window that pops up, I
click the ‘Click to go to the raw data server’. That sends me here
(https://rawdata.oceanobservatories.org/files/). After that, I navigate to
the CP04OSSM directory. and that’s as far as I can get before I am
completely lost.

I am trying to find the raw data archives for all available AZFP data. Can
you help with this?


Alex Slonimer |Oceanographer
ASL Environmental Sciences Inc.


The raw data from the instrument can only be found in the Raw Data Repository, not through the OOI Data Portal (OOINet). And the Raw Data Repository can be a little confusing. It is organized by platform and by deployment.

AZFP instruments are potentially deployed on these platforms at the Coastal Arrays (on the seafloor looking up):
Pioneer Array

  • CP01CNSM
  • CP03ISSM
  • CP04OSSM

Endurance Array

  • CE01ISSM
  • CE06ISSM
  • CE07SHSM
  • CE09OSSM

Under each platform are D0000x and R0000x folders. The D folders are for the telemetered data, the R folders are for the recovered data. Under the R folders, you want the instruments folder for data downloaded directly from the instruments. They they are organized by the DCLs (Data Concentrator Loggers) which the instruments are plugged into. The AZFP instruments, which we refer to as ZPLSC in OOI-speak should be on DCL37. Then you should see the folder for the ZPLSC instrument with a serial number.

So for the CP04OSSM mooring, recovered data for deployment 12 you would look in

The AZFP units deployed on Global Arrays are on these moorings:

  • GA02HYPM in the Argentine Basin Array
  • GI02HYPM in the Irminger Sea Array
  • GP02HYPM in the Station Papa Array
  • GS02HYPM in the Southern Ocean Array

There are 2 instruments per mooring, one upward-looking and one downward-looking (mounted at 150 m in the water column).

The folder structure is simpler for these moorings. For example…
Then you will see a folder for each instrument with the serial number.

I hope this helps. We will also push this information to our Discourse site, so that others can find it and benefit from your question.

Feel free to ask further questions here or there.

Thanks and stay safe,
Sheri N. White
OOI/CGSN Data Team