I just noticed an issue with a few MAB datasets on Erddap…
Previously, I’ve been able to pull data from ooi-cp13nopm-sb101-02-ctdmos011 on erddap.dataexplorer, but for some reason this dataset is no longer available. At first, I thought it might be because the buoy stopped telemetering back in June, but then I noticed that none of the three CP13 fixed CTDs are available. From what I can tell, all of the other fixed and profiling MAB CTDs are ok.
Looking at erddap-goldcopy, it seems that none of the MAB datasets are on there yet. However, they are all on the thredds gold copy. Are the two supposed to be mirrored?
Finally, I also noticed that the Erddap page on the OOI website does not make a distinction between the “gold copy” and “data explorer” Erddap servers. However, the big link on the page goes to one, and the image goes to the other. I would recommend revising the page to include links to both, and text that describes the advantages of each.
We will look into the data gap and respond here. The ERDDAP gold copy is not being refreshed at the moment due to memory issues. Please continue to use the erddap.dataexplorer and download page for full resolution data sets. The link was removed from the OOI website. Thanks for your feedback - it’s much appreciated.
@seagrinch We are still checking out why the CTDMOs on the profiler moorings are not available for download via the DataExplorer Erddap. For now, that data is available via the gold-copy THREDDs link. Sorry we don’t have a more satisfying answer at the moment.
Thanks Andrew and Jeff. No worries. I pulled the full deployment as a singe Netcdf from the data portal, so I’m good for now. Thanks for looking into this.
@seagrinch Good news. The Erddap catalog has been regenerated and it should be available for download now. Seems to have just been a bug during our data reload.