files are missing realistic shortwave irradiance values (‘shortwave_irradiance’ and ‘met_netsirr’ variables; these are at ~minute intervals) while the shortwave variables found in the associated hourly file look great:
I’m looking into this issue now. I know there was an issue with the METBK1 SWR unit (on SBD11) as noted in the annotations: UPDATED, 2019-07-18: The correction for the data collected by SWR 273 on GS01SUMO-00002 for the time period indicated by the annotation dates is Offset: -15.92493 W/m^2, Slope: 1.01124; applying this correction brings this module back in line with our standards. * Downwelling Shortwave Irradiance (shortwave_irradiance) and Net Shortwave Irradiance (met_netsirr) minimum night time values jump from ~0 W m-2 to ~13-14 W m-2 and remain there through the rest of the deployment. The SWR sensor did not appear to have any noticeable damage upon recovery. The WHOI instrument calibration lab is investigating (Redmine 12543)
But you are seeing this both for METBK1 (on SBD11) and on METBK2 (on SBD12)?
In looking at the SBD12 file again, I see I made a mistake in my interpretation (in my quick netcdf file viewer, the limited # of observations in the SBD12 file appeared as one spike), so please disregard my original inquiry for that file. Apologies.
As for SBD11, where are these annotations available so that I don’t miss any of these going forward (and so that I can be sure to apply this offset and slope to ‘the time period indicated by the annotation dates’)? And is there a notification I can sign up for for when/if new announcements or changes to the data I’m using occur in future?